Announcements, Press Release, Interview, Articles...

Jul 8 - Oct 18 2024

BREAKTHROUGH: Arizona's Emerging Visual Voices
Curator's talk by Rembrandt Quiballo will be presented in the galleries of the Arizona Capitol Museum Saturday, September 28, 2024, 1 to 2pm

"This exhibition was made possible by a generous contribution from Dawn Nehls. We owe her our sincerest gratitude."

Presenting a seasonal selection featuring the great artistic talent to be found in Arizona

Artist of the Season

Springtime 2024: Charmagne Vasquez

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MOAZA Location Project

Phoenix Carnegie Library

MOAZA presents arts programs including curated exhibitions of Arizona artists, both physically and virtually on its website, learning opportunities, and art salons.

MOAZA is looking at the historic Carnegie Library and its park, located in the center of the Capital Mall for their permanent home.

Read About the Carnegie Center


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