Giving Tuesday

Amazing! 8 people have supported this cause!

Donation Target $5,000




Donation Leaderboard

  • Byron donated $10.00
  • Ann donated $100.00
  • carolyn donated $100.00
  • Jolie donated $75.00
  • Jerre Lynn donated $75.00
  • Joel donated $100.00
  • Jo-Ann donated $50.00
  • Karen donated $100.00

MOAZA is an all-volunteer 501(c)3 organization; all donations are tax deductible

Every dollar you donate helps the Museum to:

  • Continue showcasing significant works of art made by Arizona artists
  • Provide exhibitions and educational programs to communities throughout Arizona
  • Bring us closer to our goal to make the Carnegie Library of Phoenix our future home

Your contribution will make a difference

Museum Fund

Traveling Exhibitions

Educational Programming