MOAZA presents arts programs including curated exhibitions of Arizona artists, both physically and virtually on its website, learning opportunities, and art salons at present. We are working toward the goal of a physical museum which will house a database of Arizona artists’ work, a library, and exhibition space including a sculpture garden. We hope to repurpose the historic Carnegie Library of Phoenix for this purpose.

MOAZA aims to repurpose the historic Carnegie Library and its park, which stands unused, for their permanent home.

We believe that this beautiful building and park should be available to the public as it was intended, once again.

The four-acre park which surrounds the Carnegie Library would be home to permanent and temporary shows of sculpture as well as innovative landscape design. The Carnegie Library has been underutilized for over 18 years. It is surrounded by historic buildings and by markers on each street corner explaining the historic significance of each region, with a special focus on the variety of Native American people in Arizona.

The museum would house a library of Arizona artists and art history, chronicling the rich tapestry of the Arizona art scene, from indigenous people to those who migrated from all over the country and the world, making Arizona the vibrant art mecca it is today.