Inclusion Inspiration Opportunity

MOAZA will provide learning opportunities and exhibitions by area artists aimed at attracting and engaging at-risk youths to experience the creative process in constructive forms of self-expression and inclusion.

“8” An intergenerational Artist Elder/Youth Project, February 4, 2024.

Introducing “8”

“8” is an intergenerational project where 8 elder artists will join with 8 inquisitive, curious teenagers and share 1 ½ hours of fun, engaging, get acquainted activities. Each student and artist will be paired up and engage in a conversation about life, art and whatever! Elders will also learn new things about the world seen through young eyes as they engage and interview the students in the exchange as well.

At the finish, the student will then photograph the artist. The student will write up what they learned in a writing project partnered with a framed photograph that will be exhibited. Honoring elders and engaging youth! Hope this excites you and you will join us.

At this time, we are gathering willing artists and students to participate in the first of these programs on February 4, 2024, at the Pinnacle Presbyterian Church, Scottsdale, AZ

Artists interested in participating, please contact